IPPW 2022
Registration & Pricing
IPPW is currently being planned as an in-person event only with no virtual component. In the unlikely event that the in-person plans must be cancelled and the Short Course and Workshop need to be converted to virtual attendance only due to COVID-19 resurgence and restrictions, a portion of the registration costs will be refunded.
Pricing is broken down between "Professional" and "Student" pricing. Please consult the Students page if you are unsure of your eligibility for that pricing.
Professional – Short Course
$200 (before July 22, 2022) | $300 (after July 22, 2022) | $150 (Instructor Cost)
Two-day course focused on Entry, descent, and landing (EDL), all day coffee/tea, lunches (Saturday, Sunday), and morning/afternoon snack
If you are a Short Course instructor, please contact Valerie Escobar (valerie.a.escobar@ama-inc.com) for instructions on how to register for the event.
Professional – Workshop
$650 (before July 22, 2022) | $750 (after July 22, 2022)
Five days of technical program attendance, all day coffee/tea, lunches (Monday-Friday), morning/afternoon snack, and drinks/appetizers at Poster Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday
Student – Short Course
$125 (by July 22, 2022) | $150 (after July 22, 2022)
Two-day course focused on Entry, descent, and landing (EDL), all day coffee/tea, morning/afternoon snack, and lunches (Saturday, Sunday)
Student – Workshop
$300 (by July 22, 2022) | $350 (after July 22, 2022)
Five days of technical program attendance, all day coffee/tea, lunches (Monday-Friday), morning/afternoon snack, and drinks/appetizers at Poster Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday
If you are a NASA Civil Servant or registering for the Short Course and/or Workshop on behalf of a NASA Civil Servant and will be submitting payment at a later date, please contact Valerie Escobar (valerie.a.escobar@ama-inc.com) for instructions on how to register for the event.
IPPW is currently being planned as an in-person event only with no virtual component. In the unlikely event that the in-person plans must be cancelled and the Short Course and Workshop need to be converted to virtual attendance only due to COVID-19 resurgence and restrictions, a portion of the registration costs will be refunded.