IPPW 2021
Venus Exploration
Tuesday, August 3rd 2021
A renaissance in in situ Venus exploration is underway with concepts for classic probe missions, aerial platforms, lander and rover missions all being actively considered. This session includes both the scientific platform technologies and the experiments that will be conducted from them. Of particular interest are innovative techniques for exploring Venus that employ methods for coping with and/or exploiting its severe environment. With the intriguing question of whether phosphine exists in the cloud layer of Venus still being debated, platforms and techniques that can explore the “cloud habitability zone” will be of great interest.
Session Coordinators:
Robert Buchwald (ESA), Patricia Beauchamp (JPL), Ashley Korzun (NASA-Langley), Jim Cutts (JPL), Colin Wilson (Oxford University)
Poster Session Coordinators:
Manuel Dominguez (UPC), Jacob Izraelavitz (JPL), Clara O'Farrell (JPL), Lin Li (NASA Langley)
Click Here to Register for the Session
Virtual Workshop Program (Tuesday, August 3rd 2021)
Weston Buchanan
Aerial Platform System Design For Finding Life At Venus
Marcus Murbach
System Design Considerations for a Small Venus Entry Probe Missions
Iain Moore
Multi-probe In-situ Detection of GasEous Species (MIDGES): A low-cost mission to detect PH3 in the Venusian atmosphere