IPPW 2021
Sample Return to Earth
Thursday, June 17th 2021
This session will contain concepts and projects that have a sample return to Earth element to the mission architecture. The focus will be on the entry, descent, and landing aspect of the sample return phase, especially how the spacecraft and science instrumentations are designed to handle the planetary protection requirements and the high reliability expected of sample return to Earth. Contributions discussing sample acquisition systems and sample curation on Earth are also welcome.
Session Coordinators:
Ethiraj Venkatapathy (NASA Ames), Benoît Pigneur (University College London), Marcus Lobbia (JPL)
Poster Session Coordinators:
Manuel Dominguez (UPC), Jacob Izraelavitz (JPL), Clara O'Farrell (JPL), Lin Li (NASA Langley)
Click Here to Register for the Session
Virtual Workshop Program (Thursday, June 17th 2021)